Dr. Zhang Minguan | Home Remedies to Whiten Teeth

3 min readJan 11, 2021


There are different reasons why your teeth are becoming yellow or having gray patches. While some occur gradually and subtly as we age, others are as a result of the food we eat, the drinks we take, or even heavy tobacco or cigarette smoking. The good thing is there are a lot of ways you can whiten your teeth and restore your bright sparkly smiley-teeth. If you are not in for drugstore gels or you are not ready to put in for in-office dental treatment, renowned dentist, Dr. Zhang Minguan provided expert tips on how you can whiten your teeth or prevent them from discoloration. Returning the glow to your teeth doesn’t have to break the bank.

“While going on DIY home remedies, it is important not to overdo it or apply it incorrectly. Prolong use may cause further damage to your enamel which may cause sensitivity to the teeth,” Zhang Minguan says. Moreover, there are teeth whitening solutions done by a trained professional dentist that brightening your teeth in less time. This bleaching solution is usually stronger and better than at-home kits. However, care should also be taken when it comes to this and should only be done every 6 months, provided you do not smoke. With that said, here are home remedies for whiter brighter sparkly teeth.

Brush and floss regularly

According to Dr. Zhang Minguan, brushing your teeth twice daily is your best bet for the prevention of teeth discoloration and all teeth related problems. Brush your teeth with soft bristles and the correct way to go about it is to brush in a circular motion in order to keep the enamel in good shape. Moreover, it is vital to get rid of stains, bacteria, and any food particles that might be hiding at the edges through regular flossing. This way, you will avoid stains and any plaques buildup.

Check your diet

Another culprit of yellow teeth is your food or drink intake. sugar-coated foods, dark berries soda, drink, coffee, red wine can stain your teeth. That is why you might want to limit the amount and the number of times you take these. If you must take these at all, rinse your mouth afterward or brush your teeth after 30 minutes to remove every stain. Besides, adopt a healthy lifestyle and avoid or stop smoking. The best way to cure yellow teeth is prevention.

Take more vegetables and fruits

Eat your way into healthy teeth with fruits and vegetables. They are said to be abrasive and can help rub away any stains and plaques that might be plaguing your teeth. The water content can also help to clean the teeth of any stains and bacteria. We are talking about pineapple, apple, and carrots, including dietary products that have been proven to help protect teeth against decay. Although, there are no scientific facts to these, however, vegetables and fruits are always great for your teeth and overall body.

Oil pull to get rid of bacteria

It’s time to put those coconut oils lying in your kitchen cabinet for good use. Oil pulling involves applying edible oil on your mouth and swishing around your teeth and mouth to remove any plaque buildup or stains. Do this 2–15 minutes to remove any stains or bacteria. When done, spit into the toilet, rinse your mouth, drink some water, and brush your teeth. Many claim their teeth are whiter and brighter after regular oil pulling.

Apply baking soda to scrub away dirt

Applying a paste of baking soda to remove buildup and whiten teeth has proven to be effective. Baking soda has natural whitening properties and is a common ingredient in most teeth whitening toothpaste. It also contains alkaline that can help prevent the breeding of bacteria in the mouth. All you need to do is to make a paste of baking soda with either lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, or normal water. Apply to your teeth with your fingers or a soft-bristled toothbrush. Although this is not an instant remedy, however, you will notice changes in your teeth with regular and consistent usage.

Originally published at https://www.allperfectstories.com on January 11, 2021.




張民冠醫生畢業於香港大學牙科系。 1994年,從大學獲得的資格是香港大學的牙科手術學士學位。他於1999年畢業並獲得香港大學種植牙學的牙科手術碩士學位。